Advocates of IOA (AIOA)ADVOCATES TO THE INDIANA OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION “The objectives shall be to create a better understanding of osteopathic medicine, to aid in the improvement of public health, to assist the osteopathic profession in every way possible and to function as an integral part of the Advocates to the American Osteopathic Association.” -- Article II, AIOA By-Laws
OFFICERSPresident - Mike Coyle,Cumberland Vice President - Gloria Krejsa, Lowell Recording Secretary - Rebecca Brink, Princeton Treasurer - David Riesbeck, Granger Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Helman, Granger Parlimentarian - Vacant DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENTSDistrict Chairs Mike Coyle, Cumberland - District I Vacant - District II Vacant - District III Mary del Pilar, Mishawaka - District IV Rebecca Brink, Princeton - District V Barbara Foreit, Hammond - District VI
A.A.O.A. DELEGATESRebecca Brink, Princeton Sharon Helman, Granger Christine Galloway, Crown Point
A.A.O.A. ALTERNATE DELEGATESGloria Krejsa, Lowell Vacant Vacant
COMMITTEESBy-Laws: Vacant Convention: Rebecca Brink, Mike Coyle, Christine Galloway Sharon Helman, Gloria Krejsa, David Riesbeck Membership: David Riesbeck Motyka Dannin Foundation: Rebecca Brink, Mike Coyle, Christine Galloway, Sharon Helman, Dave Riesbeck Public Relations: David Riesbeck Ways & Means: Rebecca Brink, Mike Coyle, Christine Galloway, Sharon Helman, Gloria Krejsa, David Riesbeck
For a description of committee responsibilities, refer to Article X, Advocates By-Laws.
Founded in October 1935 at Canyon Inn McCormick's Creek State Park
FOUNDERSMrs. Paul van B. Allen* Mrs. J. E. Baker* Mrs. C. B. Blakeslee* Mrs. William E. Bodenhamer* Mrs. C. Allen Brink* Mrs. L. E. Brown* Mrs. Paul Deeming* Mrs. Charles Eccles* Mrs. C. V. Fulham* Mrs. Walter S. Grow* Mrs. William Cambill Hall* Mrs. Russell C. McCaughan* Mrs. Glen F. Miller* Mrs. E. O. Peterson* Mrs. L. B. Radcliff* Mrs. J. J. Stewart* Mrs. Fred L. Swope* Mrs. V. B. Wolfe* Mrs. Francis A. Warner* *deceased
LIFE MEMBERSMuriel Adams Betty Anglemeyer Barbara Foreit Sharon Graham Anne Kotoske Georgialee Like Joanne Midla Patsie Odell Dorothy Rymers Florence Taylor Effie Turfler Evelyn Wackerle Virginia Yoder |