


In 1990, the Motyka Dannin Osteopathic Educational Foundation, Inc. (Motyka Dannin Foundation) was formed at the initiative of the Indiana Osteopathic Association (IOA).   Its mission is to raise and distribute funds primarily in support of the study of Osteopathic Medicine. This includes scholarships, grants for research, seminars, and similar programs.

By 2013 – 2014, the Motyka Dannin Foundation had awarded $84,500 in forgivable loans to 63 students from Indiana.  Of those, 19 students had received forgivable loans two times. Determined to do more each year, restructuring of the Motyka Dannin Foundation became a high priority of the IOA in 2015.

With the reorganization, we set a goal of raising $100,000 by May of 2017 and awarding our first forgivable loan in the amount of $10,000 the same year.  We achieved that goal and selected our first recipient in April of 2017. Adam Davis is a second-year student at the Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MUCOM) in Indianapolis.  Recipients of other awards were Skyler Gick, a third-year student at MUCOM; Anneliese Huntzinger, a third-year student at MUCOM; and Olivia Smith, a third-year student at MUCOM.

Our aspiration is to become the premier scholarship opportunity for Indiana’s osteopathic medical students and to ensure our top-notch students begin and end their careers practicing in Indiana.

Your generous support will also allow us to continue awarding forgivable loans and providing opportunities for students to attend IOA CME events, attend DO Day on the Hill sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), attend the AOA House of Delegates, and identify other useful initiatives for our students and members.

Individual Lifetime Giving Levels

  • $250 - $999 (MDF logo pin)
  • $1,000- $1,999 (MDF logo pin and 1 star)
  • $2,000 -$2,999 (MDF logo pin and 2 stars)
  • $3,000 - $3,999 (MDF logo pin and 3 stars)
  • $4,000 - $4,999 (MDF logo pin and 4 stars)
  • $5,000 and over - Diamond Circle Level (plaque & specially designed pin)

Individual Giving Benefits

  • Lapel pin
  • Lifetime giving recognition on website and in publications
  • Donor only receptions at IOA CME meetings
  • Annual luncheon with forgivable loan recipient
  • Complimentary registration at IOA CME meeting of choice with an annual donation of $2,500

Corporate Giving Level

$15,000 (can be disbursed over three years)

Corporate Giving Benefit

  • Complimentary exhibit space at IOA CME meetings
  • Complimentary half page ads in publications as well as in programs at IOA CME meetings
  • Recognition on website and in publications
  • Donor only receptions at IOA CME meetings
  • Annual luncheon with forgivable loan recipient




Call (317) 926-3009 or send an e-mail message to  You will be provided with the necessary information for your broker to facilitate the transaction.  In order to begin the transaction, you will need a gifting authorization letter available through your broker dealers that will stipulate the security symbol or CUSIP, share amount, tax lot disposition method, and establish standing instructions.


The Motyka Dannin Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.