David Koronkiewicz, D.O., President - Goshen, IN David Blank, D.O., Vice President- Indianapolis, IN Joseph Koenigsmark, D.O. - Secretary/Treasurer - New Albany, IN Rachel Shockley, D.O., Immediate Past President - Indianapolis, IN TRUSTEES*
Benjamin Rodimel, D.O., Resident Physician (2024-2025) - Indianapolis, IN Taylor Bachert, D.O. (2025-2028) - Indianapolis, IN Brittany Simpson, D.O. (2021-2024) - Indianapolis, IN Olivia Smith, D.O. (2025-2028) - Indianapolis, IN Kristine Teodori, D.O. (2024-2027) - Crown Point, IN Zachary Waterson, D.O. (2024-2027) - Fort Wayne, IN Austin Layton, OMS-II, Student Member (2024-2025) - Indianapolis, IN EX-OFFICIO TRUSTEESSusan Moore Riesbeck, D.O. - Granger, IN Amanda Wright, D.O. - Indianapolis, IN
Click here to view Past Presidents dating back to when the association was founded in December 1898.
A.O.A. DELEGATES*Chair: Susan Moore, D.O. (2022-2025) - Granger, IN David Koronkiewicz, D.O. (2025-2028) - Goshen, IN April L. Cox, D.O. (2024-2027) - Vincennes, IN Nicholas DeFauw, D.O. (2024-2027) - Goshen, IN Anthony Martin, D.O. (2025-2028) - Indianapolis, IN Adrian Carter, D.O. (2025-2028) – Boonville, IN Amanda Wright, D.O. (2025-2028) - Indianapolis, IN Kristine Teodori, D.O. (2025-2028) - Crown Pointe, IN A.O.A. ALTERNATE DELEGATES*Rachel Shockley, D.O. (2025-2028) - Indianapolis, IN David Blank, D.O. (2024-2027) - Indianapolis, IN Taylor Bachert, D.O. (2024-2027) - Indianapolis, IN *Terms begin immediately following the Annual Meeting in December each year after installation of new officers/trustees/delegates. Terms: Officers (2-year); Trustees (3-year); Delegates and Alternate Delegates (3-year).
STAFFRichard Nussle, MPH, Executive Director Katie Barker, Membership Coordinator |